
Shodo, Japanese calligraphy, is one of the most popular arts in Japan. Its products are held in high esteem as works of art. Calligraphy as an art has also evolved into an exercise for practitioners of Zen, since it requires undivided attention and being one with the used materials. The presented works by Shodo HARADA Roshi and Zenni SOZUI follow the style of bokuseki (trace of ink). Bokuseki is the immediate expression of a state of mind, a living document of an intense moment.

“The trace of ink is not just beautiful writing, it is something that originates in the primitive order of things – an imprint of the mind.”

Shodo HARADA Roshi (born 1940) is a master at Sogenji Zen monastery in Okayama. Zenni SOZUI has been his disciple for many years and teaches at One Drop of Zen monastery in Munich.

www.onedropzendo.de/indexE.htm, Onedropsangha@gmx.de
Curator: Michiru MATSUMOTO, michiru@nipponconnection.com